10 am - 1 pm
University of Toledo Center for Visual Arts & Toledo Museum of Art
Conference Registration at Center for Visual Arts
Explore Toledo Museum of Art
Tour CVA Facilities & Catie Newell Exhibition
Enjoy Lunch in the Toledo Museum of Art Cafe
11:30 - 12:30 pm
Toledo Museum of Art : Glass Pavilion (Co-event with Glass Olympics)
Presentation: Glass Press Demonstration with Diane Wright (limited seating/arrive early)
2 - 4 pm
Toledo Museum of Art : Little Theater
Symposium Opening Remarks: SculptureX - Brian Carpenter & Charles Tucker
Speaker Will Corwin - introduced by Charles Tucker
Speaker Jane Bruce - introduced by Paula Baldoni
Speaker Catie Newell - introduced by Brian Carpenter
Closing reminders & updates on evening and Saturday events
5- 8 pm
Secor Building
Exhibition Receptions
JB Squared| New work from Jane Bruce and John Brekke
Material | Immaterial: SculptureX Exhibition
6 pm
Secor Building: 7th Floor Gallery
Remarks and Awards
Material | Immaterial: SculptureX Exhibition
Scott Hocking, Juror; Brian Carpenter, curator
9 pm
The Heights - Downtown Renaissance Hotel
After Hours Gathering
Day 1 - October 4
Day 2 - October 5
8 :30 am
Wolfe Center for the Performing Arts, BGSU
9 am
Arts Village, BGSU
Lightening Round: Student Presentation Graduate and Undergraduate Art Work
Moderators: Jillian Wisniewski and Lucas Jankovsky
Helpful documents for attendees
10:15 - 11:30 am
Wolfe Center for the Performing Arts, BGSU
SculptureX 2019
Materiality and Expanded Media
Introduction: Charles Kanwischer , Director School of Art, BGSU
Loraine Ruetz, material (mis)performance
Erin Duhigg
11:45 - 12: 30
Wolfe Center for the Performing Arts, BGSU
Featured Speaker: Michael Rees, Materializing Systems: Complexity in Sculpture and Process
Introduction: Charles Kanwischer
2 pm
Wolfe Center for the Performing Arts, BGSU
Featured Speaker: Peter Christian Johnson, Embracing Entropy
Introduction: John Balistreri
3 pm
Wolfe Center Auditorium for the Performing Arts, BGSU
LaTableRonde | Critical Practices Inc.
Open forum on Sculpture and Expanded Media:The Material Condition of an Immaterial State
Moderated by Erin Duhigg
(Space limited: Reserve spot at Registration Table )
5 pm - ?
Dinner/post event Social